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What is the sacral chakra?
The sacral chakra is believed to be located below the navel, where the perineum is. It’s said to be associated with the sex organs and the kidneys, though this isn’t supported by scientific research.
It’s also associated with the water element and portrayed as a vibrant orange color. It’s often represented by a six-petalled lotus flower.
This chakra is governed by Parvati, the Hindu goddess of fidelity, fertility, and power. Who is the wife of Lord Siva
The symbol of the sacral chakra is a moon crescent, which represents the relationship between the tides of water and the phases of the moon.”
In Sanskrit, Svadihsthana means “where your being is established.”
Signs of a blocked sacral chakra
One of the first signs of a blocked sacral chakra is emotions that feel unbalanced or off-kilter.
These include:
“A closed sacral chakra can make you feel detached from your own emotions as well as the emotions of the people around you. You may feel isolated and anxious to be alone and lonely. It’s a vicious cycle that can cause loneliness as well as anxiety.”
“When a chakra is blocked, its energy becomes stagnant and your ability to access the gifts associated with the sacral center become difficult. Its shadow aspects are also active and dominant in your life.”
How do I know if my chakra is out of balance?
You’ll know your sacral chakra is out of balance if your emotions feel unbalanced or off-kilter. You may feel detached or numb to your feelings as well as those of others. Other signs include:
How to tell if you’ve balanced your sacral chakra
The connection with your sacral chakra is fully balanced, open, and very strong, When this happens, “you’ve reached your own place, your sacred being.”
You may notice a shift in your relationships with:
You may also start to develop:
How to balance and heal the sacral chakra
Chakras can become blocked and unbalanced. This is said to affect our physical and emotional functioning.
Though energy and chakra healing shouldn’t be relied on alone, they can be a supportive part of a well-rounded treatment plan.
If you want to restore balance to your sacral chakra
As I am an advanced Yoga instructor, disciplined Yoga practitioner and Hypnotherapist I can offer you Traditional Yoga- with breathing Pranayama practices and deep Meditations, Generally as I am a person who follows a very healthy natural diet I also can give advice for that. And as I am a person who knows about energy flow and different massage techniques I also can offer that. Whatever you prefer to receive, let me know when we meet for the first time, there is always a way lovely beautiful souls.
Love and smiles..
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